
Curios facts about CastelBrando

Did you know that there are several secret passages inside the castle, some of which lead down to the valley?

Did you know that in each room there is a different coat of arms, testifying to over 520 years of marriages between the counts of the castle and other noble families?

Did you know that CastelBrando uses the same radiation heating system as the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg?

Did you know that the centuries-old Cedar of Lebanon in the garden of the castle is the highest Christmas tree in Italy each year?

Did you know that in the sixteenth century the castle housed sumptuous parties, to which the Queen of Cyprus Caterina Cornaro was often a guest?

Did you know that the water that flows to CastelBrando is the same canalized and used by the Romans?

Did you know that at CastelBrando there are still several torture instruments, like the Pillory and the Pit of knives?

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